Coming back from Church yesterday(4/02/18) after a stressful choir rehearsal with the Amethyst Choir,I picked a trotro(car) from the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital to Tema Station


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After some minutes of drive the driver stopped and picked a young lady and her two younger siblings around Akoto Lante.In the car,the driver started playing a song with the title”Maame Hw3″ which is pronounced as “Maame Shwerh”.

As soon as the song started playing one of the two young girls started singing the song from the intro till they alighted from the car.I believe they would have sang to the end without leaving a word out if they had not got down.

This is a song that have been released not more than 3 months ago but here we children who have not set their eyes on the lyrics but can sing the song from A-Z.These are the same children that when you ask them 1+1 in a thousand times they would count their fingers thousand times before they can answer you.

I have seen this with many Ghanaian children especially the less privileged ones.

I believe if academic lessons are put in a form of songs it would help these children to improve academically.So I’d urge our musicians out there to help make this happen.Write songs that talks of the topics in our curriculum to contribute to national development.

You can click here to see the lyrics of the song.

 _Forward to any musician(Page) you know to inspire them._ 


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