Before I start with what I want us to learn today I want you to know you are good enough for someone to be desiring your place.
You’d never know if you don’t ask or if you are not around to see what happens after you leave your position.

I have a similar personal life story to share.I was once working as a house help for a very lovely and wonderful man of God and his wife and two children.It got to a time some of the workers were uncomfortable with the work so they decided to leave.I was so surprised at the way other people were eager to come and work there until it got to me too.

Before I left there I was lucky enough to have spent a night with the guy who to take up my position.From the conversation i had with him I could see the was very happy to have gotten the job but there I was happy I’m leaving because I didn’t like it.

I want you to know it’s the same way your enemies are interested in your current position whether you are a house help,storekeeper,messenger,bell boy or a businessman.The serpent wanted Adam and Eve to loose their position even if it couldn’t take it up.

1)The person who want you down is very subtile.Subtile is defined as Hard to grasp; not obvious or easily understood; barely noticeable.S o the ones who want your downfall and failure are right beside you but yet you may not notice it.Be vigilant

2)The enemy knows something true about you.He knows your boss have been shouting at you.He knows your wife likes going out too much.He knows your husband beats you at times.And he knows there is some weakness about you he can use against you.Be vigilant

3)Avoid using”BUT”. Whenever you hear the word but coming out of your mouth be careful of what follows.Eve could have been discreet about the tree God told them not to eat from but when the BUT came out the secret followed.

4)The enemy knows something about you but they don’t know the whole story.Avoid telling them your mind because your mind is your army and tower.They can’t know what is in your mind until you spill it out

5)When you do something wrong try as much as possible not to get others involved in it.If Eve had not involved Adam in the whole disobedience thing like he could have interceded for her and they would have been happy together.

6)Ignorance is one of the path to destruction and failure in life.

If Eve knew the serpent was lying to her like she wouldn’t have eaten the fruit.Try and educate yourself as much as you could in as many fields as you can and stay safe.

7) Sin and temptations are sweet and nice to be looked at but if you are able to overcome it you shall receive a crown of victory.Remember,sugar is sweet and is loved by all but it is very dangerous,so is sin.Learn to deprive your body the things it likes.

8) Every action we take in life comes with a result and that of disobedience is loss of trust and privileges.

As I’m concluding with this chapter I want to urge to always ask for forgiveness sincerely when you do any wrong.Dont be shy or ashamed to do so.From what we have read we can see that Adam and Eve didn’t even ask God for forgiveness even though they were remorseful.I believe they would have gotten another chance if they did.


Date: Mon 20/02/3018

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