In this chapter of Genesis man almost lost the protection he had from God. we are going to learn about how man sinned against God once again and the punishment given to him with love.Yes with love because besides the sins that Cain caused by killing his own brother God still loved him and was considerate with his punishment.
1. Don’t expect yourself to be accepted just because you came first.Come with something good that will cause you to be favored.Cain was the first born and he was the first to bring a sacrifice to God but it was not accepted.

2. When should be sorry when we do something wrong other than being angry because of how someone has treated us because people mostly treat us according to how we want them to treat us(through our actions)

3. When you are supposed to do something and you don’t do it or you don’t do it well, you will only go and see sin,failure,rejection and many others lies at the door awaiting you.

4. you instantly.

Wise enemies would keep their friendship with you to cover up the hatred they feel for you and to be closer to you so they can easily achieve their plans.

Imagine an enemy wants to plant a time bomb in your house.The enemy who don’t have any friendship or relationship with you will find it difficult to gain access into your house but the one who is close can easily plant it when they come to visit you.

5. You are your brother or sister’s keeper.The welfare of the people around you is your business.If they are good you are part and benefits of from it and if they are not you are still part but loose.

6. The voice of the blood of the people you hurt or the people you are supposed to keep but refused to do so shall cry out to God.This is the reason why every bad thing comes with a punishment

7. The very thing you hurt people in shall be against you just as the land was against Cain.If you to destroys a friend’s work to take his position that same work and position will be against you and if you try to destroy someone’s relationship so that you would be with the partner you are under a curse and driven from that relationship.It shall also not be successful or fruitful

8. From the verse 14 we can see that the presence of God is life and protects those around.For as long as you remain in the presence of God through prayer and reading his word you are safe from death and destruction.

9. God truly love sinners.He love them not because of who they are or what they are but because of what he believes they can becomed.Besides the sin of Cain God still lover him and protected him.


Date: Sat 18/02/3018

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